Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Intolerable Act of 2010

In 1774, the British Parliament passed five laws related to the American colonies; these laws became known as the Intolerable Acts, and galvanized American resistance against tyranny. Now, in 2010, the Democratic Party has just made into law its own Intolerable Act -- the unconstitutional hostile takeover of the healthcare industry. Just as tea partiers of the 1770s fought -- and won -- a long, hard-fought war against London tyrants, expect the tea partiers of the 2010s to fight and eventually win against the suit-wearing savages in Washington P.C. who just made the Intolerable Act of 2010 into law. I encourage all Americans who value their unalienable moral rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness to actively join the tea party movement!

– Mark Kalinowski
North New Jersey Tea Party Group
Liberty, Free Markets, and Individual Rights

By the way, I encourage ALL liberty-minded folks to “friend me” on Facebook,

and also to join the official Facebook page for the North New Jersey Tea Party Group

For folks not on Facebook, please add your name to our e-mail distribution list by contacting us at nnjteaparty@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Politicians Should Offer Evidence -- or Resign in Shame

Tens of thousands of pro-liberty Americans -- tea partiers -- recently went to Washington P.C. to demand that Washington refrain from enacting into law the unconstitutional hostile takeover of the healthcare industry. As it so happens, the lamestream media reports the accusations of four congressmen -- John Lewis, Andre Carson, Emanuel Cleaver, and House Majority Whip James Clyburn -- that some protestors were insulting these anti-liberty politicians with the n-word. While the collectivist media unethically took these four at their word (rather than doing their job by investigating the claims, and then reporting the truth, no matter what that truth may be), these four have produced absolutely no evidence to back up their claims. And, as it also turns out, video of the four walking together at the precise time they were supposedly insulted shows absolutely no such insults being used (nor anybody reacting to these alleged insults, and surely there would have been reactions -- by these four politicians, and by the protestors). These four should either produce evidence of what they claim, or resign.

Like racism, hatemongering has no place in polite society, and if these four politicians engaged in hatemongering by falsely and deliberately slandering peaceful protestors -- as likely seems the case, according to the evidence presently available -- then they should be held responsible for their thoroughly vile behavior.

For a more complete explanation of why the odds are probable that these four Congressional Black Caucus members are engaged in a repugnant hoax, please refer to the following article (entitled "N-Word-Gate") by Jack Wakeland and Robert Tracinski:


– Mark Kalinowski
North New Jersey Tea Party Group
Liberty, Free Markets, and Individual Rights

By the way, I encourage ALL liberty-minded folks to “friend me” on Facebook,
and also to join the official Facebook page for the North New Jersey Tea Party Group

For folks not on Facebook, please add your name to our e-mail distribution list by contacting us at nnjteaparty@gmail.com

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Democrat Admits Congress "Will Keep Stealing"

Just as legalized slavery is still slavery, legalized theft is still theft. As such, politicians who promote "spreading the wealth" -- the socialist euphemism for legalized theft -- should be vocally condemned. Today in the U.S., the leading proponent of forcibly taking some individuals' hard-earned income (punishing the virtue of peaceful economic productivity) so that the iron fist of government can "spread" it to people who did not earn that income, is the Democratic Party (although far, far too many Republicans deserve condemnation in this regard, too). And, at times, the Democrats themselves aren't quite so careful about how they spin all this, which leads some of them to frankly admit their deeply immoral behavior. Take, for example, Democratic House of Representatives member Tom Periello. When meeting with the Jefferson (Virginia) Area Tea Party on March 16th, Periello admitted that "If you don't tie our [Congress'] hands, we will keep stealing." Somebody ought to teach Periello -- and all politicians that participate in legalized theft, not to mention the leftists who support them -- that theft is deeply immoral. Failing that, let us hope that American voters have the audacity to vote these suit-wearing thugs out of office at earliest opportunity, by electing folks who value every individual's unalienable moral rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. And, let us also repeal the 16th Amendment, the deplorable rights-violating amendment that made theft-by-government constitutional.

Note: to see video of Democrat Periello admitting that "we will keep stealing," click on the following link:


– Mark Kalinowski
North New Jersey Tea Party Group
Liberty, Free Markets, and Individual Rights

By the way, I encourage ALL liberty-minded folks to “friend me” on Facebook,

and also to join the official Facebook page for the North New Jersey Tea Party Group

For folks not on Facebook, please add your name to our e-mail distribution list by contacting us at nnjteaparty@gmail.com